Hello everyone!
Thank you all for your patience with our relative radio silence. The team has been gearing up for our 2nd year of the campaign and I’m happy to announce that registration will be going live for the Spring events very soon through our new database. I’m incredibly grateful to Rob Archer for the monumental task of making a new database for us to use. My thanks as well to those who helped make this a reality including Nick, Erin, Liz, Will, and Jess who worked on data entry, Dave L and Tim who helped Rob with coding, as well as all the folks who stepped forward to help out with testing.
Registration: For those of you who are familiar with our old database, you will find that it is generally similar. One excellent new feature is the ability to register/pay for the event through the database as opposed to paying separately and having to wait for us to manually enter your registration. For this season, registration for the spring events and mealplan will be “capped” once we get up to 65-70 folks. As we did not cap out last year I’m not worried about folks getting in. If we start reaching our limit I’ll warn folks that I’ll be pulling reg soon. If for some reason you wanted to register for the spring season and it is not available you can email me to get on the waitlist. Again, I’m not overly concerned about us hitting our limits for this spring considering the numbers from last fall.
The Database: First step will be to create an account. From there you should be able to register for events, create a character, and eventually submit pels/bgs etc! I do ask that you be patient as we open this up and begin to use it. We’ll do our best to communicate updates, respond to questions, and fix issues that arise in a timely fashion but please keep in mind that everyone has other obligations as well- we are only human. We’re hoping to arrange a virtual session for a walkthrough on how to create characters so do keep your eyes open for that.
Covid Protocols: Please remember that we do ask all cast and players to be VACCINATED and you will be asked to show proof of vax when you check in at the event for the first event you show up to each year. We also ask that you test before coming to game on Friday and after the event (please wait 24-48 hours from Sunday). If you are feeling unwell and aren’t certain as to the cause, please do not attend game. Contact me to let me know and I’ll forward your reg or refund it as necessary. However, you also know your body best. If you are snuffly from something like allergies, please plan on masking up. Should community spread appear to be on the uptick, we will let you know whether we’re implementing a partial or full mask requirement- at the moment we are not mandating one. As we have done in the past, if someone comes down with covid (please inform us!) we will make sure the cabin and community is aware that a case occurred.
As a reminder our Spring events are: May 12-14 and June 9-11
Spring 2023 Reg and Database coming soon!
Spring 2023 Reg and Database coming soon!
Erica McIntyre [she/hers]
Game Owner
Tales of Valor
Game Owner
Tales of Valor